Purpose and diversity 状态ments

Moved by God’s love in Jesus Christ, 旧金山神学院为学生准备变革的司法部门, 和平, 和治疗, which advance the Church’s hopeful, loving eng年龄ment with the world.

As an ecumenical Christian graduate program, we offer a rigorous education, 专注于批判性的神学反思,装备来自各行各业的毕业生,通过历史悠久和创新的事工来满足我们时代的迫切需要.

成立于1871年 and affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), we value dialogue and eng年龄ment with other religions and faith traditions. 我们在改革宗传统的基础上培养了对公共生活和为他人服务的充满信仰的参与. 位于环太平洋地区,受到全球基督教信仰不同表达方式的启发, 我们与世界各地的教育机构合作,丰富我们的课程,扩大我们对上帝在人类历史上的救赎工作的理解.

SFTS is a founding member of the 研究生神学联合会它是旧金山湾区新教和天主教神学院的联盟. SFTS的学生在所有GTU神学院以及GTU的中心和分支机构学习犹太教, 佛教, Islam and other world religions.

作为一个社区, 我们团结一致,希望创造一种包容的氛围,使各种形式的多样性蓬勃发展. We are called to live inside God’s beautiful family, and that means pursuing justice, 知识, 尊严, and well-being for all people. From our students to our 工作人员 to our 教师 and beyond, 我们希望建立一个包容差异的公正社区——无论是在校园里还是在世界上.


SFTS: We Will Not Be Silent

不是现在. 当每个人的声音都对打破沉默至关重要时,就不是了。沉默使人类更容易受到不公正的支配和霸权结构的影响. 在sft, we are responding to the omnipresent sin of injustice and inaction through our 成虫一些 Statement and Credo which affirm that the im年龄 of God is expressed through D小班, E股东权益, Inclusion. We affirm that all people are created diverse, included, and equal. While the truth of this 状态ment is still contested in church, 状态, 国家, 和世界, we affirm that equity is essential for our students, 教师, 工作人员, 管理, 以及整个社会.  

We are at critical risk of the annihilation of the prophetic vision of 成虫一些. 当我们谈到 成虫一些, we are not only speaking conceptually. 我们讨论的是 发生的事情 to the minds, bodies, 和精神s of people. When we are silent about assaults on the body, 大脑, 和精神, we not only contribute to its propagation, we create a more ontologically violent world. Therefore, we begin with this acknowledgment: SFTS exists on Indigenous land. 我们承认那些在我们之前走过这片土地的人的祖传家园,以及那些仍然生活在这里的人的祖传家园. 在与土地和土地上的人民保持良好关系的持续工作过程中,承认土地是一个小小的举动. 我们认识到,湾区的多样性和丰富的文化是建立伙伴关系的理想地理位置, 项目, 课程开发, and collaborative research that sustain all people on these lands across 加州, 美国, 环太平洋地区, 还有地球. 在此致谢, 我们寻求帮助打破交叉压迫系统中的不平等,这种不平等经常对美国的有色人种产生不成比例的负面影响.

We believe that theological education is not simply a personal commitment to learn, 教, research and administrate; not just an institutional commitment to mission; not just an ecclesial matter of reproducing the kinds of religious leaders we prefer with the standards we have established; but, that theological education is a spiritual responsibility to the world to seek truth, 知识 and wisdom; to eng年龄 life-giving, transformative promises of justice; and to practice radical love. 当我们谈到 radical love, we do not mean love that is sentimental or maudlin.  We mean love that seeks critical consciousness and mutual humanization, 去冒险, 授权, 和释放. 我们在SFTS不会坚持谎言,幻想,和一个特权乌托邦的暗示. As a school for theological education, we hold ourselves responsible to disrupt the complicity of silence. We commit to speaking and acting for d小班, equality, and inclusion. 


The Im年龄 of God Expressed Through D小班, Equity, Inclusion

At San Francisco Theological Seminary (SFTS), our life together as an academic community, 一个精神社区, and a school of the church is bound by a covenant relationship among students, 教师, 和工作人员. 为了确保这一隐含的契约,我们同意遵守某些明确的政策. 


"They shall come from the east and west, 从北方和南方, and take their places at the banquet table in the community of God.(路加福音13:29) 

我们SFTS的员工和利益相关者发表了以下声明,以确认我们对多样性的一致承诺, 我们社区的公平和包容,以及建议未来行动的平台,以促进以心为本的合作. 我们的目的是引导社区向上帝形象的预言愿景转变——通过我们社区和世界的多样性来表达上帝的形象. 

我们在SFTS认识到,我们生活在一个世界里,上帝的孩子们受苦,并感到被遗弃的主导和霸权结构的不公正的结果. 为了创造和维持一个重要的神学教育威尼斯人平台,反映上帝的恩典,为所有的人和社区的关怀, we are committed to fulfilling the vision of d小班, equity and inclusion—a vision that lifts up a sense of promise for the entire community. 我们支持神学教育的愿景,使学生成为世界上蓬勃发展的使者,并欢迎来自世界各地的学生, of all langu年龄s and from varied social locations. 

We recognize that SFTS, affiliated with Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), 是一所基督教研究生院,庆祝150年来培养未来和多样化的宗教领袖和学者,为当地和世界各地的社区服务. 根植于谦卑, the SFTS community— students, 工作人员, 教师, 管理人员和受托人一样,活出我们的信仰和价值观,作为一个基督教社区,同时努力培养一个公正和包容的校园,拥抱差异,庆祝多样性.

We are united by our commitment to pursue 知识, 社会正义, 尊严, collaborative power and well-being for all peoples, and to meet the needs of our ever-changing, interconnected global society. Rooted and grounded in the justice and love of Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:7), we embrace a prophetic vision of: 

  • 关系是我们影响思想和在社区中执行公正行为的力量的核心
  • Solidarity in restorative acts of justice and in opposing injustice in all its forms
  • Equity, voice, access and opportunity regardless of title, status or sphere of influence 
  • 努力体现上帝的形象,即使困难重重,即使我们失败了,也要重新投入 
  • 我们最强烈的愿望是我们基于内心的愿望,即在我们所爱的社区中寻求他人的幸福 
  • 协作, 改革和转型,因为我们想要转型,因为我们引导了转型的道路 
  • 通过我们作为神学教育机构的资源,为所有人民和社会创造更多批判性的正义意识和实践


在sft, 我们看到,在这个世界上,许多神的儿女被排除在教会和其他信仰团体的生活之外. 他们承受. 他们觉得被抛弃了. “你为什么离弃我?”(马特. 27:46) As a seminary and Christian community, we are united to be an inclusive place where diversity flourishes in all its forms. 我们为什么要这样做? 上帝召唤我们. We are called to live inside God's beautiful family, and that means pursuing justice, 知识, 尊严, and well-being for all people. Especially as this big world gets smaller every day. "Even those I will bring to My holy mountain; And make them joyful in My house of prayer. For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples." (Is. 56:7). And yes, diversity means diversity!

"For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, 伟大的上帝, 强大而可怕, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes.”(申. 10:17) 













From our students to our 工作人员 to our 教师 to our trustees and beyond, 我们致力于培养一个包容差异的公正社区——无论是在校园里还是在世界各地. Always celebrating one another. 总是带着谦卑. 

  • When we see injustice, we look to solidarity and restoration. 
  • When we cannot hear voices, we amplify them and lower our own. 
  • When we witness our community hurting, our hearts bend in compassion and care. 
  • When we reach an impasse, we will seek a Third Way. 
  • When we build walls, we seek collaboration and transformation to dismantle them. 
  • When we do not understand, we seek understanding. 
  • When we feel alone, we break down structures of isolation. Throughout it all, we recognize that this work is hard and absolutely vital. And we ask for grace along the journey. The Im年龄 of God is made of D小班, Equity, and Inclusion. SFTS将尽其所能在社区、校园和更广阔的世界中体现这一形象.