CSAC/ CER Graduation Requirement

Community Service Activity Course (CSAC)/Community Engagement and Reflection (CER)

In fulfilling CER, many students independently build their own narrative curriculum to serve a non-profit agency or school. Students decide whom to serve, where to serve, and why to serve at the agency of their choosing. The following are a few options you might consider offered fall, spring, May, and over the summer:


Service placement at a nonprofit agency or school of the student’s choice. Includes a placement contract, journal entries (8), evaluations, timesheet, final paper, and a group verbal reflection.  

2. CSAC 300B COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITY (0 UNIT)  Previous or current paid work in public service through work study, volunteer service, or a nonprofit job for at least 80 hours. Includes a timesheet and final reflective paper.  

3. CSAC 301A INITIATIVE (1 UNIT) 30-HOUR OR (2 UNITS) 60-HOUR  Service placement tied into an academic course. Includes a placement contract, journal entries, evaluations, timesheet, final paper, and a group verbal reflection. 

4. CSAC 360A SPECIAL TOPICS COURSES Faculty taught CSAC special topics that integrate service with the curriculum. Faculty establishes their own take home assignments and facilitate reflections. This is a popular Mayterm option for students! 

5. CROSS-LISTED DEPARTMENTAL COURSES Faculty taught courses integrating a strong service component that fulfills the CER requirement.  

Ideas to inspire your CSAC journey:

  • Animal Support
  • Mentoring
  • Tutoring
  • Coaching
  • Gardening
  • Social Media
  • Video Production
  • Tax Preparation

Student Experiences